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Best of EMYS: the weekly review (weeks 48-52)

Dear EMYS' friends! You are a vibrant community & following what you do with your robots is a truly inspiring experience! We love sharing the best of your news weekly here on our blog and we hope you enjoy the scroll through this article too.

”The gift from Santa turned out to be a bullseye.”

We are delighted that EMYS has joined the circle of friends and has been so warmly welcomed. There will surely be no time for boredom, and the smiles on the children's faces speak for themselves.

”There is no end to the holiday joy.”

Learning and fun are a perfect combination, and, at the same time, a bit of movement during the game using the Christmas Gym Dots mat is an opportunity to reinforce new words.

”Christmas Party!”

Excitement, laughter, joy... we are delighted to see how children with EMYS participate in the annual tradition - Christmas Workshop.

”EMYS is children's favorite robot.”

Children love to learn with EMYS. This strengthens their motivation to learn, and at the same time, they form wonderful friendships.

Dear EMYS Community, it is simply amazing to see what you do with EMYS and all the places you take it to. Thank you so much for being so active, fun & creative!! We love it! We also hope to feature you here next week again, so whatever you do, remember to take pictures, make videos and tag #EmysRobot / @emysrobot in your social media posts. We will see you next week and until than, keep playing, keep learning, keep loving… spreading the joy of learning English always with your EMYS around, of course!

That's all folks! See you next time!

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