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The STARTER SET contains a collection of group games and activities which can accompany a wide range of teaching programmes. The games and activities can also be used with any of the EMYS TOPIC SETS and detailed suggestions are included in each of the Teacher’s Guides to each set.


There are altogether 15 games in the STARTER SET, of which 10 are based on the principle of programming EMYS with chosen vocabulary that one wishes to practise. The programming is done with the help of the PROGRAM YOUR ROBOT card and the Smart Cards which are included in the Starter Set and those which are a part of the individual EMYS TOPIC SETS. Two of the games contain a selection of quiz questions or sentences which children must assess as TRUE or FALSE with the help of the green and red sticks or to which they have to respond with Smart Cards or movement. The set also contains five ENERGY BURNING GAMES which engage children in a variety of physical activities combined with language instructions and responses to questions. All of the games engage children in active participation and activate the sleepiest of groups and classrooms.


The STARTER BOX has 12 badges with pictures of little monsters and their funny names. Children can take on the identities of these little creatures and EMYS will recognize who they are. The badges are a part of some of the STARTER games. The Smart Cards included in the STARTER SET are grouped around topics connected with the children’s immediate world and areas of interest, such as: toys, animals, action verbs, school things, food, fruit, vegetables, clothes, space and days of the week. These groups of words are further supplemented by Smart Cards found in individual EMYS TOPIC SETS and all of them can form the basis of a game, depending on which of these are chosen to program EMYS. The words pictured in Smart Cards can be taught, recycled and revised through the broad variety of STARTER games, but they can also form parts of sentences or questions which a teacher wishes to practise.


Box content:


Numbers of words and expressions:

  • 52 target words and expressions
  • 210 questions and commands
  • 398 Emys' instructions and words of support


Examples of instructions:

  • Choose a number.
  • Now, show me …
  • Choose a number between three and eight.
  • If the answer is false, step back.
  • Let's go!
  • Look at my screen. What can you see?
  • Let's count!
  • Choose a colour. Touch the screen with the colour dice.


Examples of questions and commands:

  • Cross the room if you’ve got a teddy bear.
  • Have you got two hands?
  • Do you like chocolate?
  • What colour is a frog?
  • It lives in water. A frog. That's right.
  • Is it true or false? Wednesday is before Thursday.
  • Is it true or false?


Examples of motivational language: 

  • Congratulations! You were the fastest!
  • You remembered all of the words!
  • You've got it! Well done!
  • Well done, everyone!
  • Wow! That's right! One point for you!

Starter set

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